Kenect Usage Statistics


Reputation Management and Business Texting.

Widgets · Mobile

Kenect Customers

Get access to data on 6,686 websites Kenect Customers. We know of 3,900 live websites using Kenect and an additional 2,786 sites that used Kenect historically and 3,623 websites in the United States.

Kenect Awards
Kenect Location Market Share and Movement
Technology Won Lost
Accelerated Mobile Pages Accelerated Mobile Pages 45 15
FastClick FastClick 18 2
Smart App Banner Smart App Banner 15 3
DeviceAtlas Client Side Component DeviceAtlas Client Side Component 10 0
MobileESP MobileESP 3 0
Kenect Competitors and Similar
Kenect Future Customers 🔮

These are sites that we think might use Kenect in the future because of their similarity to other sites that already do.

Total Future Customers
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