Intercom is a customer relationship management and messaging tool for web app owners
Widgets · Feedback Forms and Surveys · Ticketing System
Get access to data on 590,729 websites Intercom Customers. We know of 150,844 live websites using Intercom and an additional 439,885 sites that used Intercom historically and 88,153 websites in the United States.
Intercom websites that are also using other technologies.
Get a list of 590,729 websites using Intercom which includes location information, hosting data, contact details, 150,844 currently live websites and an additional 683,245 domains that redirect to sites in this list. 439,885 sites that used this technology previouslyand 88,153 websites in the United States currently using Intercom.
These are sites that we think might use Intercom in the future because of their similarity to other sites that already do.