Hektor Commerce Usage Statistics

Hektor Commerce

eCommerce team as a service.


eCommerce · Non Platform

Hektor Commerce Customers

Get access to data on 44,061 websites Hektor Commerce Customers. We know of 261 live websites using Hektor Commerce and an additional 43,800 sites that used Hektor Commerce historically and 175 websites in the United States.

Hektor Commerce Awards

No awards yet.

Hektor Commerce Location Market Share and Movement
Technology Won Lost
Shopify Discounts Shopify Discounts 135 100
Shipping to over 200 Countries Shipping to over 200 Countries 34 3,254
Ships to China Ships to China 31 4,009
Last Second Coupon by Hextom Last Second Coupon by Hextom 31 2
Scandinavian Shipping Scandinavian Shipping 29 4,293
Hektor Commerce Competitors and Similar

Get a list of 44,061 websites using Hektor Commerce which includes location information, hosting data, contact details, 261 currently live websites and an additional 373 domains that redirect to sites in this list. 43,800 sites that used this technology previouslyand 175 websites in the United States currently using Hektor Commerce.

Site Totals

Total Live
373 additional website redirects?.
United States Live Sites
Live and Historical
Top 1m
eCommerce Categories

Popular eCommerce categories found on websites using Hektor Commerce.

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