Bagy Usage Statistics


Bagy is an ecommerce platform and online store that helps businesses grow their online sales, whether they are just starting out or scaling to millions of dollars per month.


Bagy Customers

Get access to data on 6,870 websites Bagy Customers. We know of 4,877 live websites using Bagy and an additional 1,993 sites that used Bagy historically and 197 websites in the United States.

Get a list of 6,870 websites using Bagy which includes location information, hosting data, contact details, 4,877 currently live websites and an additional 516 domains that redirect to sites in this list. 1,993 sites that used this technology previouslyand 197 websites in the United States currently using Bagy.

Site Totals

Total Live
516 additional website redirects?.
United States Live Sites
Live and Historical
Top 1m
Bagy Future Customers 🔮

These are sites that we think might use Bagy in the future because of their similarity to other sites that already do.

Total Future Customers
eCommerce Categories

Popular eCommerce categories found on websites using Bagy.

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