Sneak Lite Usage Statistics

Sneak Lite

Sneak Lite is a clean, minimal and responsive SuevaFree child theme, based on Bootstrap framework, with a new menu and buttons style and a different layout for the elements like sidebar and with a new fonts by alexvtn.

Frameworks · WordPress Theme

Sneak Lite Customers

Get access to data on 400 websites Sneak Lite Customers. We know of 100 live websites using Sneak Lite and an additional 300 sites that used Sneak Lite historically and 39 websites in the United States.

Sneak Lite Awards

No awards yet.

Sneak Lite Competitors and Similar

Get a list of 400 websites using Sneak Lite which includes location information, hosting data, contact details, 100 currently live websites and an additional 13 domains that redirect to sites in this list. 300 sites that used this technology previouslyand 39 websites in the United States currently using Sneak Lite.

Site Totals

Total Live
13 additional website redirects?.
United States Live Sites
Live and Historical
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