Pippity Usage Statistics


Opt-in popup system for WordPress blogs.


Widgets · WordPress Plugins

Pippity Customers

Get access to data on 5,320 websites Pippity Customers. We know of 198 live websites using Pippity and an additional 5,122 sites that used Pippity historically and 161 websites in the United States.

Pippity Awards

No awards yet.

Pippity Location Market Share and Movement
Technology Won Lost
Yoast Plugins Yoast Plugins 44 400
Yoast Google Analytics for WordPress Yoast Google Analytics for WordPress 43 2
Jetpack Jetpack 37 167
All in One SEO Pack All in One SEO Pack 34 20
Visual Composer Visual Composer 27 4
Pippity Competitors and Similar
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