InMoment Usage Statistics


Customer Experience Management software previously known as Mindshare Technologies.

Widgets · Feedback Forms and Surveys

InMoment Customers

Get access to data on 2,669 websites InMoment Customers. We know of 245 live websites using InMoment and an additional 2,424 sites that used InMoment historically and 164 websites in the United States.

InMoment Awards

No awards yet.

InMoment Location Market Share and Movement
Technology Won Lost
Contact Form 7 Contact Form 7 22 13
Qualtrics Site Intercept Qualtrics Site Intercept 18 23
Gravity Forms Gravity Forms 9 9
MailChimp MailChimp 9 6
Intercom Intercom 8 2
InMoment Competitors and Similar
InMoment Future Customers 🔮

These are sites that we think might use InMoment in the future because of their similarity to other sites that already do.

Total Future Customers
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