TargetBay Usage Statistics


Reviews and Q&A functionality for eCommerce.

Widgets · Feedback Forms and Surveys

TargetBay Customers

Get access to data on 1,808 websites TargetBay Customers. We know of 635 live websites using TargetBay and an additional 1,173 sites that used TargetBay historically and 585 websites in the United States.

TargetBay Awards

No awards yet.

TargetBay Location Market Share and Movement
Technology Won Lost
MailChimp MailChimp 192 21
Yotpo Yotpo 115 25
Contact Form 7 Contact Form 7 77 10
POWr POWr 43 8
Stamped Stamped 25 29
TargetBay Competitors and Similar
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