Data Management Platform Usage Distribution in .co

Statistics for websites using Data Management Platform technologies

Top In Data Management Platform Usage Distribution in .co
Technology Websites %
Adobe Audience Manager 109 47.19
Turn 44 19.05
Cedexis 29 12.55
Juicer DMP 9 3.9
Salesforce Audience Studio 9 3.9
Treasure Data 7 3.03
Squadata 7 3.03
Outplay 4 1.73
Bizo 3 1.3
CNNA.IO 3 1.3
Observable 2 0.87
Spotler Activate 1 0.43
Dengage 1 0.43
Wyng Digital 1 0.43
DataExchanger 1 0.43
Poder 1 0.43

332 Detections

of Data Management Platform in .co. Last updated 14th Nov 2024.

Adobe Audience Manager Adobe Audience Manager is currently the most popular technology in this category.
